I've decided to get my firearms licence! Shane has been into guns and hunting since I met him and I never really liked it as my Dad's friend got shot and killed while in the bush about 10 years ago, so it has always scared me.
Since we have moved to Australia he has been missing the sport and wasn't sure about bringing his guns over from NZ. We visited a massive sporting store over the weekend and found out some info on memberships.
I thought it would be a fun sport to do with Shane and suggested I get my firearms licence to and he was more than happy.
BUT I cant bring myself to shoot an animal. I thought about it and I just can't do it haha. So I am going to start with targets and clays. I posted my thoughts on Facebook and people think its a great idea YAY.
One of my first questions was "can I have a pink gun?" haha
Membership is really cheap and when you join a club you gain access to HEAPS of land where you can shoot safely and if you want you can go in groups with a guide (for those of us who dont know the area very well). Travel is about 1-2 hours (was about 3-4 hours in NZ) so its close and easy.
I'm really excited!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Photos from my weekend...
Friday night was Kristen and Jackie's Birthday Celebrations
(above) The gorgeous brithday girl Kristen and I
Walking along the beach on Sunday Morning
Shane and I sometimes go up to The Spit for icecreams on Sunday afternoons :)
Another great weekend xxx
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Soul Pleasure - If like attracts like then liking the life you're living is a great place to start
The has been a lot of publicity and general hoo-ha over the past few years about the concept of the law of attraction. Put simply, the law of atraction is concerned with emotional energy, vibration and attitude,
It is believed that when we are a direct vibrational match with what we are asking for it flows into our lives.
In short, like attracts like. If you want something, the easier and fastest way to get it is to have the same vibe. To do that you need to be clear about what you want and how you feel about it. The more postive you are, the more you attract something positive. The more nergative you feel (and negativity includes fear, anger and doubt), the further away you push it.
The law is particularly potent when it comes to soul mates. If you are giving off a confused set of emotions and vibes, you will attract what you are giving off, and thats not what you are really after. You need to be living, thinking and feeling as positively as you can.
Baby Steps.
No one is asking you to be joyful and happy all the time - there are going to be times of stress and frustration. What the law of attraction asks you to do when in that state is to move one step towards an emotion thats feels a bit better. Any emotion. Then you move another step to a better one, and again to an even better one. Then you do this conciously, until you are actually experiencing an emotion that is pleasureable. Witches speak of this as being "pleasure-led"
A really easy way to keep this positive enegry of attitude in your life is to make decisions based on whether or not it will be pleasureable for you. This might sound selfish. We are not telling you to take every day off work because you prefer to go shopping or sailing. But we are saying that you should go shopping or sailing or what ever else it is that makes you very happy at a more appropriate time if that is what gives you pleasure. You should fulfil your obligations, but if they are a burden - if there is a little room in your life for pleasure - you need to question your quality of life and what, or who, you hope to attract. By deeply engaging if life, by choosing to expereince emotions that make you feel positive and by having a positive vision for youself, prepares a fertile and welcoming place for another person to be atracted into.
Your Choice.
What would you most like to attract, a happy person living a full, balanced life, or a volatile person living an unhappy, unbalanced life?
Even if we are lucky enough to attract the first but we're more like the second, it wont last long.
*This is an edited extract from The No Excuses Guide To Soul Mates by Stacey Demarco and Jade-Sky (Rockpool Publishing) http://www.rockpoolpublishing.com.au/ RRP $16.99
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
natural blondes who colour their hair brown are “artificially intelligent”
I’m going to change my hair. It’s been the same for soooo long (like 5 years). Brown hair is really easy and cheap to maintain and style. It’s so low maintenance.
BUT, I’m going to change it anyway!
For some reason I want to be blonde once more before I get married. Just for shits and giggles.
Being all brunette I can’t go blonde straight away, will have to work my way there. I love Ashley Tisdale’s hair.
My transformation will go something like this…
I’m naturally blonde so I know it will suit me (and I’m always tanned so no issues with looking washed out).
Hmm.. what is hotter? Blonde or Brunette?
Monday, February 15, 2010
Life Update – New Chapter
I had Friday off work last week to take part in a new show filmed here on the Gold Coast about Water Police. I was a background extra swimsuit model. I’ve done some acting and extra’s work when I was living in New Zealand and I really enjoyed it. I’m thinking this is the next step in my life, working in film and TV. I had positive and constructive feedback from the director (which is always so helpful) and ended up having a really fun day with everyone involved. I might have more parts in the show once the pilot is finished/edited and the show is up and running (in about 3 month’s time). The pilot will be shown in Australia and New Zealand, free TV.
Several people have told me that I need to move to Melbourne or Sydney to break into that side of the industry, but I am finding lots of work here in Queensland. I also think that the work and people are VERY different in Melbourne compared to Queensland. Is it the weather? Its colder in Melbourne so people wear more clothes and are a little more “closed” with themselves where as Queensland is warmer and people wear less and are more open. Hmm…
So I’m going to enrol for some more acting classes (have done some in New Zealand when I was 19) and also work on my speech presentation.
Also working on new agents, portfolio update is coming and I’m getting show reel. YAY!
I’m almost over modelling. I know it’s something I will continue to do for another year or so and at the moment I am getting offered a lot but just picking and choosing shoots and parades as I please and what fits in to my busy life.
I’ve still got my modelling goal in the works (being published) should find out about this over the next few weeks.
It’s really exciting to actually live out what I’ve wanted to do for so long. To be achieving. I look at other people and sometimes wonder how they don’t have any goals and don’t aim for anything. I guess I’m the kind of person who needs direction and can’t wander aimlessly though life. But as a good friend once told me, everyone’s idea of happiness is different.
I am cutting out all the negative people in my life. I can’t be bothered with liars, people that use you and are just plain mean and selfish. They aren’t worth my energy or time. I had an experience last week with someone I thought was a friend and turned out to be a huge let down and a bit of an embarrassment.
I am learning who my REAL friends are.
Wedding plans are underway! YAY YAY YAAAY! I now have a rough idea of how I want the day to go and a rough budget. At the moment I am dreaming about lots of flowers at the ceremony and lots of candles at the reception. I want old school Hollywood glamour, like 1920’s to 1950’s. Even the music from that era will be amazing. Classic beauty mixed with ancient Greece and modern France. I don’t want the traditional wedding dress; I want something a little different, maybe a one shoulder dress like these:
I want my hair like this:

I’m finding that weddings are VERY expensive. Like a cake can be hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Also not sure if I want a wedding cake, I like the idea of the cupcake towers:
I’m going to have a pink stretch hummer for the bridal party hehe – GANGSTER
I’m not going to have Shane wear a boring ugly black suit. I like light grey with a vest (no jacket), white shirt, grey pants and white shoes. He has gorgeous blue eyes and olive skin so he will look amazing!
All the bridesmaid dresses I have looked at are UGLY! They are boring and unflattering and stupid haha. I want my girls to look hot! I want like 10 bridesmaids but going to have to keep it at 3-5 max. How do I pick only 3 girls???
Our invite list has changed heaps over the last 18 months. We are sending out official invites in August this year – which I am designing myself.
My parents are coming over to visit in June and my step-mum is going to help me out which will be great.
To my pleasant surprise, I have lost a little more weight. I haven’t really been trying to lose weight. I spent most of Saturday hanging out by the pool with Shane – its soo sooo soooo hot still. I love the feeling of looking great in a bikini. He went to Brisbane for the weekend with his mates; they went to a game there. I did some party modelling and met up with my American friend Britney yay I love that girl she is so awesome and I’m devoed she is going back to the states. She said she is coming back to study so I can’t wait! This is a pic of us at a new bar called Luna Loco:
I got home like 2am and woke up Sunday at about 8am, downloaded some music then spent the morning drinking sangria at 1two3 (it’s a restaurant and bar in Broadbeach) hanging out with Bridget who I haven’t seen since, like, forever ;) Then we picked up Tracey and hung out at Moomoo’s (another bar in Broadbeach) drinking cocktails there and we ate a bowl of fries with aioli YUMMMM!
Then I picked up Shane and we had a romantic valentine’s dinner at one of our fav places and ate waaay too much good food and laughed about our weekends then did some late night shopping and watched a movie.
I’m feeling really good about where I am going and what I am doing with my life. Lots of new and exciting opportunities have been presented to me and everything seems to be falling into place perfectly. Life is good xxx
Several people have told me that I need to move to Melbourne or Sydney to break into that side of the industry, but I am finding lots of work here in Queensland. I also think that the work and people are VERY different in Melbourne compared to Queensland. Is it the weather? Its colder in Melbourne so people wear more clothes and are a little more “closed” with themselves where as Queensland is warmer and people wear less and are more open. Hmm…
So I’m going to enrol for some more acting classes (have done some in New Zealand when I was 19) and also work on my speech presentation.
Also working on new agents, portfolio update is coming and I’m getting show reel. YAY!
I’m almost over modelling. I know it’s something I will continue to do for another year or so and at the moment I am getting offered a lot but just picking and choosing shoots and parades as I please and what fits in to my busy life.
I’ve still got my modelling goal in the works (being published) should find out about this over the next few weeks.
It’s really exciting to actually live out what I’ve wanted to do for so long. To be achieving. I look at other people and sometimes wonder how they don’t have any goals and don’t aim for anything. I guess I’m the kind of person who needs direction and can’t wander aimlessly though life. But as a good friend once told me, everyone’s idea of happiness is different.
I am cutting out all the negative people in my life. I can’t be bothered with liars, people that use you and are just plain mean and selfish. They aren’t worth my energy or time. I had an experience last week with someone I thought was a friend and turned out to be a huge let down and a bit of an embarrassment.
I am learning who my REAL friends are.
Wedding plans are underway! YAY YAY YAAAY! I now have a rough idea of how I want the day to go and a rough budget. At the moment I am dreaming about lots of flowers at the ceremony and lots of candles at the reception. I want old school Hollywood glamour, like 1920’s to 1950’s. Even the music from that era will be amazing. Classic beauty mixed with ancient Greece and modern France. I don’t want the traditional wedding dress; I want something a little different, maybe a one shoulder dress like these:
I want my hair like this:

I’m finding that weddings are VERY expensive. Like a cake can be hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Also not sure if I want a wedding cake, I like the idea of the cupcake towers:
I’m going to have a pink stretch hummer for the bridal party hehe – GANGSTER
I’m not going to have Shane wear a boring ugly black suit. I like light grey with a vest (no jacket), white shirt, grey pants and white shoes. He has gorgeous blue eyes and olive skin so he will look amazing!
All the bridesmaid dresses I have looked at are UGLY! They are boring and unflattering and stupid haha. I want my girls to look hot! I want like 10 bridesmaids but going to have to keep it at 3-5 max. How do I pick only 3 girls???
Our invite list has changed heaps over the last 18 months. We are sending out official invites in August this year – which I am designing myself.
My parents are coming over to visit in June and my step-mum is going to help me out which will be great.
To my pleasant surprise, I have lost a little more weight. I haven’t really been trying to lose weight. I spent most of Saturday hanging out by the pool with Shane – its soo sooo soooo hot still. I love the feeling of looking great in a bikini. He went to Brisbane for the weekend with his mates; they went to a game there. I did some party modelling and met up with my American friend Britney yay I love that girl she is so awesome and I’m devoed she is going back to the states. She said she is coming back to study so I can’t wait! This is a pic of us at a new bar called Luna Loco:
I got home like 2am and woke up Sunday at about 8am, downloaded some music then spent the morning drinking sangria at 1two3 (it’s a restaurant and bar in Broadbeach) hanging out with Bridget who I haven’t seen since, like, forever ;) Then we picked up Tracey and hung out at Moomoo’s (another bar in Broadbeach) drinking cocktails there and we ate a bowl of fries with aioli YUMMMM!
Then I picked up Shane and we had a romantic valentine’s dinner at one of our fav places and ate waaay too much good food and laughed about our weekends then did some late night shopping and watched a movie.
I’m feeling really good about where I am going and what I am doing with my life. Lots of new and exciting opportunities have been presented to me and everything seems to be falling into place perfectly. Life is good xxx
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Lonely Island
I'm sure everyone has heard of these guys and seen these videos. I think they are GOLD!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Bloodybeetroots - House No. 84
ANOTHER awesome song that I'm so loving right now
Bless these guys. Bless their little hearts!
Enjoy ;)
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Monday, February 08, 2010
Positive thinking: put your brain on a diet
Here is some great information from Good Health magazine!
Change your frame of mind and watch the kilos drop off. Anna Magee discovers how changing our own self-talk can lead to successful weight loss.
If you've tried dieting, but never seem to be able to drop that dress size you desperately want to, the problem may be not the way you eat, but the way you think. Here are some of the most common ways we think ourselves fat, and how to change them.
Think-me-fat trap #1
I've had a beef burger, I might as well have the chips, too.
Think-me-thin solution
One treat at a time. The burger is a treat and I'll save myself gaining heaps of kilojoules by ordering a salad.
"The kilojoules from one hamburger won't show up on the scales next week," says Dr Judith Beck, a cognitive behavioural therapist and author of The Beck Diet Solution (available at www.amazon.com). "But eat a large serve of chips alongside it and they might." Just swapping a large serve of chips for a green salad will save you about 1788kJ.
"At every meal, think about eating smart by balancing out treats with something healthy, and not depriving yourself," says dietitian Sian Porter. "Have your burger, but make smart choices by ensuring it's grilled, foregoing the chips and pairing it with plenty of greens." Suddenly, at about 2093kJ, the burger you really want isn't so 'bad' after all.
Think-me-fat trap #2
Going to the gym has earned me fish and chips.
Think-me-thin solution
I've worked hard, I deserve the VIP treatment.
It's always easier to eat kilojoules than to burn them up, says nutritionist Laura McLoughlin. "If you overeat after working out, you may even gain weight," warns McLoughlin. Remember, it takes a 64kg woman about an hour’s jog to burn off fish and chips! Have a snack before the gym, such as a banana or a handful of almonds, to ensure you’re not famished afterwards, suggests Naomi Beinart, a medical nutritionist and psychologist. "If you’re really hungry post-gym, you’ll get the same satisfaction from indulgent roast chicken and potatoes with steamed vegetables [as a serve of fish and chips] — ' and much less fat. Then rethink how you reward yourself. Instead of food, try a warm bath or book yourself into a day spa."
Think-me-fat trap #3
I've had a bad day at work — a packet of chips makes me feel better.
Think-me-thin solution
What do I really need to make myself feel better?
Scientists have shown that compulsive eating is regulated by emotional centres in the brain — ' that's why we overeat to feel better. "But after the chips or chocolate, you're still stressed," says Ursula James, hypnotherapist and author of You Can Think Yourself Thin.
"Instead of numbing your feelings with food, ask yourself what you really need to feel better. If you're stressed, that could mean taking a walk then writing down everything you have to do. If you're sad, it could be listening to bluesy music and crying it out."
Think-me-fat trap #4
If I had the life of a celebrity, with trainers and personal chefs, I would be thin, too.
Think-me-thin solution
There are plenty of slim, healthy people who aren't rich and famous everywhere.
"Every single celebrity or model I have ever worked with is unhappy with their body," says Beinart.
Try the healthy hook-up. "If you think only celebrities stay skinny, look around at people at work or a friend who maintains a healthy diet and steal their secrets, or ask them if they'd fancy a daily power walk with you at lunchtime. Healthy lifestyles are catching."
Think-me-fat trap #5
From tomorrow, I'll stop all 'bad' foods.
Think-me-thin solution
From today, I will plan to eat only small amounts of my favourite foods.
"All-or-nothing thinking makes dieters fail because it's not sustainable long-term. Eventually people return to eating what they see as 'bad' foods and regain the weight," says Beck. "At the beginning of each week, plan to eat 837kJ a day of your favourite foods," she suggests. "When you're tempted by an offer of cake, think about the ice-cream you've planned for tonight, that you really want, and how guilty you're not going to feel afterwards!"
Change your frame of mind and watch the kilos drop off. Anna Magee discovers how changing our own self-talk can lead to successful weight loss.
If you've tried dieting, but never seem to be able to drop that dress size you desperately want to, the problem may be not the way you eat, but the way you think. Here are some of the most common ways we think ourselves fat, and how to change them.
Think-me-fat trap #1
I've had a beef burger, I might as well have the chips, too.
Think-me-thin solution
One treat at a time. The burger is a treat and I'll save myself gaining heaps of kilojoules by ordering a salad.
"The kilojoules from one hamburger won't show up on the scales next week," says Dr Judith Beck, a cognitive behavioural therapist and author of The Beck Diet Solution (available at www.amazon.com). "But eat a large serve of chips alongside it and they might." Just swapping a large serve of chips for a green salad will save you about 1788kJ.
"At every meal, think about eating smart by balancing out treats with something healthy, and not depriving yourself," says dietitian Sian Porter. "Have your burger, but make smart choices by ensuring it's grilled, foregoing the chips and pairing it with plenty of greens." Suddenly, at about 2093kJ, the burger you really want isn't so 'bad' after all.
Think-me-fat trap #2
Going to the gym has earned me fish and chips.
Think-me-thin solution
I've worked hard, I deserve the VIP treatment.
It's always easier to eat kilojoules than to burn them up, says nutritionist Laura McLoughlin. "If you overeat after working out, you may even gain weight," warns McLoughlin. Remember, it takes a 64kg woman about an hour’s jog to burn off fish and chips! Have a snack before the gym, such as a banana or a handful of almonds, to ensure you’re not famished afterwards, suggests Naomi Beinart, a medical nutritionist and psychologist. "If you’re really hungry post-gym, you’ll get the same satisfaction from indulgent roast chicken and potatoes with steamed vegetables [as a serve of fish and chips] — ' and much less fat. Then rethink how you reward yourself. Instead of food, try a warm bath or book yourself into a day spa."
Think-me-fat trap #3
I've had a bad day at work — a packet of chips makes me feel better.
Think-me-thin solution
What do I really need to make myself feel better?
Scientists have shown that compulsive eating is regulated by emotional centres in the brain — ' that's why we overeat to feel better. "But after the chips or chocolate, you're still stressed," says Ursula James, hypnotherapist and author of You Can Think Yourself Thin.
"Instead of numbing your feelings with food, ask yourself what you really need to feel better. If you're stressed, that could mean taking a walk then writing down everything you have to do. If you're sad, it could be listening to bluesy music and crying it out."
Think-me-fat trap #4
If I had the life of a celebrity, with trainers and personal chefs, I would be thin, too.
Think-me-thin solution
There are plenty of slim, healthy people who aren't rich and famous everywhere.
"Every single celebrity or model I have ever worked with is unhappy with their body," says Beinart.
Try the healthy hook-up. "If you think only celebrities stay skinny, look around at people at work or a friend who maintains a healthy diet and steal their secrets, or ask them if they'd fancy a daily power walk with you at lunchtime. Healthy lifestyles are catching."
Think-me-fat trap #5
From tomorrow, I'll stop all 'bad' foods.
Think-me-thin solution
From today, I will plan to eat only small amounts of my favourite foods.
"All-or-nothing thinking makes dieters fail because it's not sustainable long-term. Eventually people return to eating what they see as 'bad' foods and regain the weight," says Beck. "At the beginning of each week, plan to eat 837kJ a day of your favourite foods," she suggests. "When you're tempted by an offer of cake, think about the ice-cream you've planned for tonight, that you really want, and how guilty you're not going to feel afterwards!"
Friday, February 05, 2010
Re-energise your career goals for 2010
As we enter 2010, everyone is setting out to achieve their new year’s resolution.
By conducting a personal stocktake, deciding where you want to be, making a plan and staying on track with that plan, you can increase your success in 2010.
Step 1: Conduct a personal stocktake
Assess where you’re at currently and what you have achieved in the last 12 months. Make a list and consider, what were the highs? What were the lows? What did you enjoy the most? What did you achieve career-wise? Have you achieved a good work/life balance?
Step 2: Where would you like to be?
Now that you have assessed your progress in 2009, start thinking about where you’d like to be in your personal life and career. You should be completely open and honest with yourself, listing all of your dreams and goals - even those things that you think are too hard.
Step 3: Set about making a plan
Now that you have assessed your past achievements, and set goals to achieve in the future, it’s time to start making a plan of attack to get yourself where you’d like to be. Plan stages or steps to take from where you are today in order to get to where you ultimately want to be, working out what it is you must do to get to the place you desire in your career and life. Consider, realistically, how long it will take you to get there, plan out what you have to achieve in the year and then break it down to what you have to do each month, and even each week.
Step 4: How to stay on track with your plan
Most people know from experience that it is one thing to have a great plan but another thing entirely to stick to the plan and make it work.
Here are some tips to keep you focused on your plan and ultimately achieve your objectives:
• Make it fun – Albert Einstein once said “If you love your job, then you never have to work another day in your life”. Use this way of thinking when setting goals, find fun ways to achieve the things you want.
• Get a coach –If you can’t afford to hire a professional coach right now then get a friend to help, someone who is creative and motivating, and someone who will keep you on track and help you to enjoy the process.
• Set achievable goals – Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are too high. Start by setting small goals and reward yourself each time that you achieve one of the goals.
• Remember it takes 21 days to form a new habit. If you remember this then it will help you to get through those tough days I sometimes leave notes around my house and work desk to remind me what I’m aiming for and why.
• Visualise success – Imagine yourself having achieved the goals and what your life will be like. Think about how you will feel!
The goals I set for 2010 are
#1. Modelling. Photoshoots with amazing photographers Gary Howard and Daniel Gowans.
#2. Take care of myself. Continue with healthy eating and running. Surround myself with positive, fun and successful people. My body is my temple, treat it well. Learn to relax.
#3. Career. Work hard.
#4. Money. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE and SAVE some more. 2011 Wedding.
#5. Shane. Each year I seem to fall more and more in love with my man. Everything is so perfect in our relationship. Keep doing what I’m doing, it’s working ;)
#6. Friends and Family. Keep going out and meeting new people. I love the beautiful social life I have at the moment! Continue to be a great friend to the people you love. Keep in touch facebook/email/phone. Go out for dinners and hang out at the beach. SHOPPING!
#7. Get my first tattoos. Exciting! I have 4 planned in my head.
#8. Join a sports team.
#9. Stop and savour all the sweet moments in my life. So many amazing things are going on at the moment and I feel like I need to “live in the moment” a little more. It’s always about what is coming next.
#10. Push the boundaries. If I want something I go and get it. I am responsible for everything in my life. I make it happen for myself.
So far I have achieved all of them except get my tattoos and join a sports team, but hey, its only the start of February ;)
How is your year going thus far? xxx
By conducting a personal stocktake, deciding where you want to be, making a plan and staying on track with that plan, you can increase your success in 2010.
Step 1: Conduct a personal stocktake
Assess where you’re at currently and what you have achieved in the last 12 months. Make a list and consider, what were the highs? What were the lows? What did you enjoy the most? What did you achieve career-wise? Have you achieved a good work/life balance?
Step 2: Where would you like to be?
Now that you have assessed your progress in 2009, start thinking about where you’d like to be in your personal life and career. You should be completely open and honest with yourself, listing all of your dreams and goals - even those things that you think are too hard.
Step 3: Set about making a plan
Now that you have assessed your past achievements, and set goals to achieve in the future, it’s time to start making a plan of attack to get yourself where you’d like to be. Plan stages or steps to take from where you are today in order to get to where you ultimately want to be, working out what it is you must do to get to the place you desire in your career and life. Consider, realistically, how long it will take you to get there, plan out what you have to achieve in the year and then break it down to what you have to do each month, and even each week.
Step 4: How to stay on track with your plan
Most people know from experience that it is one thing to have a great plan but another thing entirely to stick to the plan and make it work.
Here are some tips to keep you focused on your plan and ultimately achieve your objectives:
• Make it fun – Albert Einstein once said “If you love your job, then you never have to work another day in your life”. Use this way of thinking when setting goals, find fun ways to achieve the things you want.
• Get a coach –If you can’t afford to hire a professional coach right now then get a friend to help, someone who is creative and motivating, and someone who will keep you on track and help you to enjoy the process.
• Set achievable goals – Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are too high. Start by setting small goals and reward yourself each time that you achieve one of the goals.
• Remember it takes 21 days to form a new habit. If you remember this then it will help you to get through those tough days I sometimes leave notes around my house and work desk to remind me what I’m aiming for and why.
• Visualise success – Imagine yourself having achieved the goals and what your life will be like. Think about how you will feel!
The goals I set for 2010 are
#1. Modelling. Photoshoots with amazing photographers Gary Howard and Daniel Gowans.
#2. Take care of myself. Continue with healthy eating and running. Surround myself with positive, fun and successful people. My body is my temple, treat it well. Learn to relax.
#3. Career. Work hard.
#4. Money. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE and SAVE some more. 2011 Wedding.
#5. Shane. Each year I seem to fall more and more in love with my man. Everything is so perfect in our relationship. Keep doing what I’m doing, it’s working ;)
#6. Friends and Family. Keep going out and meeting new people. I love the beautiful social life I have at the moment! Continue to be a great friend to the people you love. Keep in touch facebook/email/phone. Go out for dinners and hang out at the beach. SHOPPING!
#7. Get my first tattoos. Exciting! I have 4 planned in my head.
#8. Join a sports team.
#9. Stop and savour all the sweet moments in my life. So many amazing things are going on at the moment and I feel like I need to “live in the moment” a little more. It’s always about what is coming next.
#10. Push the boundaries. If I want something I go and get it. I am responsible for everything in my life. I make it happen for myself.
So far I have achieved all of them except get my tattoos and join a sports team, but hey, its only the start of February ;)
How is your year going thus far? xxx
a possible addition to my "jurrasic park" shoe wardrobe section
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Gary Howard Photoshoot
On Sunday (31st January 2010) I did a photoshoot with the famous Gary Howard. After months and months of eating healthy and running and saving, I was finally ready to work with the man. You can view his website here: http://www.garyhowardcreations.com/
The amazing hair and makeup was done by the very lovely and very talented Byron, you can view her website here: http://www.byronbutcher.com/
I get 8 edited photos from the shoot, I have 1 so far. The other 7 however, are being submitted to the publication RALPH magazine. If and when they will publish me, I'm not sure, but Gary said I have a great look and the photos have RALPH potential YAY! Its been a HUUUUUUUUUGE goal of mine (since I was 17!) to be featured in such a publication so it would be a total dream come true if it happens.
Here is a taste of what is to come...

What do you think??? I love all feedback - positive and negative.
What this space ;)
The amazing hair and makeup was done by the very lovely and very talented Byron, you can view her website here: http://www.byronbutcher.com/
I get 8 edited photos from the shoot, I have 1 so far. The other 7 however, are being submitted to the publication RALPH magazine. If and when they will publish me, I'm not sure, but Gary said I have a great look and the photos have RALPH potential YAY! Its been a HUUUUUUUUUGE goal of mine (since I was 17!) to be featured in such a publication so it would be a total dream come true if it happens.
Here is a taste of what is to come...
What do you think??? I love all feedback - positive and negative.
What this space ;)
‘Drobe Update
Items I am particularly interested in for Autumn are…
I think these are SUPER sexy! I plan to wear them over tights with a short skirt/dress or pair of shorts or jeans.
Fucken 80’s style! I think big shoulders are so hot. They give the illusion of a small waist (hell yeah!) and make you look like a powerful woman.
Nerd alert. I currently wear this style of specs:
But would like a larger pair like these:
I need to look that part when I get my iPad haha
So cute.
Effortless beauty. Like, I haven’t tried to style my hair, but I look pretty.
Like, SERIOUSLY high heels. In fact, I am going to name a section of my shoe wardrobe “Jurrasic Park” as all they are all so huge.
I got these at the boxing day sales, I shall call them: Pinkasauras
I got these online from http://www.peeptoeshoes.com.au/ I shall call them: Goldrex
I think these are SUPER sexy! I plan to wear them over tights with a short skirt/dress or pair of shorts or jeans.
Fucken 80’s style! I think big shoulders are so hot. They give the illusion of a small waist (hell yeah!) and make you look like a powerful woman.
Nerd alert. I currently wear this style of specs:
But would like a larger pair like these:
I need to look that part when I get my iPad haha
So cute.
Effortless beauty. Like, I haven’t tried to style my hair, but I look pretty.
Like, SERIOUSLY high heels. In fact, I am going to name a section of my shoe wardrobe “Jurrasic Park” as all they are all so huge.
I got these at the boxing day sales, I shall call them: Pinkasauras
I got these online from http://www.peeptoeshoes.com.au/ I shall call them: Goldrex
Going to purchase these mofos:
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