Thursday, October 29, 2009

Need to loose weight? Here are some of my tips!

Basically weight management works like this…

Each day you eat food (which is measured in calories) and each day you burn off your food (which is also measured in calories).
To gain weight, you need to eat more calories than you burn.
To stay the same weight, you need to eat the same amount of calories you burn.
And to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat.
So for example, if you eat 1500 calories each day, you need to burn more than that to lose weight.
Your body is constantly burning calories, but not very much. This is why exercise is so important when you want to lose weight. The best way to incorporate exercise into your life is to tell people that you are changing your lifestyle NOT going on a diet. Make exercise an important part of your life every day. Tell people that you’re going to the gym or you’re getting up early in the morning to go for a run.
EVERYTHING COUNTS. If you have a spare 5mins, don’t sit on the couch, get down and do some push ups. When you’re brushing your teeth at night, walk around the house doing lunges. Get it all in there as much as you can. Always take the stairs. Walk up escalators. Carry heavy bags of groceries. All help to burn calories.
Being a girl, its hard for us to build bulky muscle, we build lean muscle. The more muscle you have on your body the better. So do lots of cardio and also do strength training like yoga/pilaties or get a swiss ball and dvds. Weights are also great but only a few times a week.
Make sure you mix it up with your exercise. What kind of exercise are you doing? Get sweaty. Get your heart rate up. Push yourself. You always have that little bit more energy to get there. Get an Ipod. Music is amazing when you're exercising.
If you need a pick-me-up for exercising, get some new gear, a new work out top or something :)

Onto food…
What do you eat each day? Honestly. Write it all down. Keep a food diary for a month and look back at where the extra calories are getting in.
The best way to stay full and keep down the calories is to go for high protein foods. This includes Tuna and salmon, eggs, mushrooms, yoghurt, lean meat, chicken breasts without the skin. Don’t fry food, get a George foreman grill. Cottage cheese.
Eat 2 or 3 pieces of fruit a day. Go for citrus, so think kiwifruit and oranges. And blueberries and strawberries are a super food FULL of nutrience.
Eat LOTS of vegies! Go for rich coloured foods like baby spinach leaves, green, red and yellow peppers. Carrots. Tomatoes. Broccoli. Burgen is the yummiest type of bread, try their whole grain range as white bread is so processed and has no nutrition.

Make sure you eat breakfast every day. This is so important. All bran or muesli thats low G.I. are great. What time do you go to bed at night? Don’t eat food late at night. If you get cravings, drink a glass of water, or small glass of milk. Drink trim milk.
Do you like green tea? Try green tea with lemon. Yum!
Do you drink much alcohol? Alcohol is FULL of empty calories.
If you want to eat chocolate or lollies, buy really dark chocolate, like 80% dark choc. Its much better for you. But try to not eat it as its just not worth the calories at all.
Yoghurt is also a good protein snack, fruit yoghurt. Watch out for the sugar though. Read packaging on food and figure out what is high in sugar, carbs, calories, fat etc.
Try to figure out how much you consume and how much you burn.
What are you weaknesses? What food do you LOVE to eat? I used to be a major choco-holic. Like seriously. I would eat a massive block in a weekend. Or a family pack of M&Ms. That so bad haha. Man I had to work so hard at the gym to burn that off the following day haha.
I also LOVE pizza! I make my own pizza at home and that way you can control what goes on it. You can buy a roast chicken from the supermarket, shred it up and put it on a pizza with a base, tomato, peppers, mushrooms and a little bit of cheese. You can add whatever you want and most foods taste good under cheese haha! Cheese is also ok, go for the lite stuff. Just have a REALLY SMALL amount though! Its high in protein but also high in fat.Drink LOTS and LOTS of water! At least 2 litres a day. This is amazing for your body because it flushes out your liver. If you have a healthy liver, that means it can function properly, which means the rest of your body will follow.
Eat slow. Very slow.
Posture is important. Shoulders back. Stomach in. Walk tall.
Don’t eat carbs at night. Your body doesn’t need them at that time of the day. Carbs are for energy, good to have mainly in the first half of your day.
Don’t starve yourself. If you’re hungry then eat, but eat something healthy. Stock your fridge full of veg and fruit and snacks like yoghurt.
Forget “3 square meals a day” you want to eat 5-6 small meals a day. Every 2-3 hours.
Don't weigh yourself too often, maybe once a week. Also get a measuring tape and measure your bust, waist, each thigh, hips and arms. Do your measurements once a week. First thing in the morning before you eat and after you pee.
Oh and one more VERY important thing. Every single time you look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself you look beautiful and healthy and slim. Don’t pick out your imperfections or your flaws. Love yourself. Make the experience really positive and you will enjoy it so much more and get amazing results.

Hope that helps! Please email me if you have ANY questions at all! I’m always happy to help xxx

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