Thursday, February 04, 2010

Gary Howard Photoshoot

On Sunday (31st January 2010) I did a photoshoot with the famous Gary Howard. After months and months of eating healthy and running and saving, I was finally ready to work with the man. You can view his website here:
The amazing hair and makeup was done by the very lovely and very talented Byron, you can view her website here:

I get 8 edited photos from the shoot, I have 1 so far. The other 7 however, are being submitted to the publication RALPH magazine. If and when they will publish me, I'm not sure, but Gary said I have a great look and the photos have RALPH potential YAY! Its been a HUUUUUUUUUGE goal of mine (since I was 17!) to be featured in such a publication so it would be a total dream come true if it happens.

Here is a taste of what is to come...

What do you think??? I love all feedback - positive and negative.

What this space ;)


  1. Look at you! Rowr! ;)
    best of luck m'dear! It must be a great feeling to be so close to your dream!

  2. I love it! I saw it on facebook and had to show everyone around me hehehe! GORGEOUS totally as hot if not hotter then half the ladies of Ralph. I hope you get a feature woohoo. The background is stunning and hair is amazing it's so long I thought you cut it not that long ago it looks amazing *YOU* look amazing. I love the hands on the rocks and I love how the whie lingerie contrasts against all the organge/brown/golds in the photo. It works it's totally totally gorgey xo

  3. yaaay!!! so glad you love it :) i'm really happy with the shot. thanks for all the sweet compliments, i really appreciate it.
    I CANT WAIT to get the other 7 shots!
