Saturday, February 20, 2010

Soul Pleasure - If like attracts like then liking the life you're living is a great place to start

The has been a lot of publicity and general hoo-ha over the past few years about the concept of the law of attraction. Put simply, the law of atraction is concerned with emotional energy, vibration and attitude,
It is believed that when we are a direct vibrational match with what we are asking for it flows into our lives.
In short, like attracts like. If you want something, the easier and fastest way to get it is to have the same vibe. To do that you need to be clear about what you want and how you feel about it. The more postive you are, the more you attract something positive. The more nergative you feel (and negativity includes fear, anger and doubt), the further away you push it.
The law is particularly potent when it comes to soul mates. If you are giving off a confused set of emotions and vibes, you will attract what you are giving off, and thats not what you are really after. You need to be living, thinking and feeling as positively as you can.

Baby Steps.
No one is asking you to be joyful and happy all the time - there are going to be times of stress and frustration. What the law of attraction asks you to do when in that state is to move one step towards an emotion thats feels a bit better. Any emotion. Then you move another step to a better one, and again to an even better one. Then you do this conciously, until you are actually experiencing an emotion that is pleasureable. Witches speak of this as being "pleasure-led"
A really easy way to keep this positive enegry of attitude in your life is to make decisions based on whether or not it will be pleasureable for you. This might sound selfish. We are not telling you to take every day off work because you prefer to go shopping or sailing. But we are saying that you should go shopping or sailing or what ever else it is that makes you very happy at a more appropriate time if that is what gives you pleasure. You should fulfil your obligations, but if they are a burden - if there is a little room in your life for pleasure - you need to question your quality of life and what, or who, you hope to attract. By deeply engaging if life, by choosing to expereince emotions that make you feel positive and by having a positive vision for youself, prepares a fertile and welcoming place for another person to be atracted into.

Your Choice.
What would you most like to attract, a happy person living a full, balanced life, or a volatile person living an unhappy, unbalanced life?
Even if we are lucky enough to attract the first but we're more like the second, it wont last long.

*This is an edited extract from The No Excuses Guide To Soul Mates by Stacey Demarco and Jade-Sky (Rockpool Publishing) RRP $16.99


  1. This actually makes a LOT of sense. Sometimes I'm so cynical, and get really narky when people say "Just try to think positively"! But I have to admit that whenever I am really genuinely making an effort to do so, things just seem to get better, and things fall into place. :)

  2. I'm like the Queen of being positive. Past events have made me the person I am now. Attitude makes a huge difference.
    I believe everything written above - it would be a great book :)

  3. It does sound like an interesting and inspiring read! It doesn't sound too "airy fairy" either :)
    Gosh, it's so true the part about the vibe that you give off can attract the wrong kind of partner... I always seem to find myself with guys who have "problems" :S. I'm over it.It always ends in disaster. I'm so sick of DRAMA.
    I've always wanted to be with a man who is inspiring and successful...but I've always been too intimidated by them, like "what the hell would they see in me? They would never look at a girl like me," etc. etc. Gah! I need to TRY to change.
